the secure distribtion, over the internet of One Time Keys .
- a connection is established between a device and the server
- the server reallocates an OTK attributed to server comunication with another device for communication with the first device
- the server communicates the OTK to the first device
a computer has or a smart phone can store OTKs for commuincation with other devices and the keys can be renewed through an internet connection.
a computer has or a smart phone can store OTKs of websites while web sites store OTKS for users . OTKs can be renewed. This is advantageous to small pools of web sites or users.
A card holding cash and with 1Gb of memory can secure offline transactions to 150 million devices .
- by signing update messages with our OTK Random Hash Signature
- by encypting the new one time key s by keys meant to communicate with the server
patent US20210176057A1